Oct 9, 2019
Kim Malek, the founder of the ice cream sensation Salt & Straw, shares how it all began. Starting with just a single push cart, Salt & Straw has expanded from Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, and all the way to Downtown Disney in Anaheim. Kim provides insight into the success of their brand and culture, starting with the importance of developing people who will develop and grow the business. Listen in as she shares the sacrifices she’s made and lessons she’s learned on her journey!
Timestamped Show notes:
01:20 - Kim’s Origin Story
02:48 - Kim explains the thinking behind Salt & Straw’s unique
04:28 - What is “Farm to Cone?”
05:04 - Salt & Straw started in a push-cart
06:04 - The first store on Alberta Street
07:21 - Kim explains how Salt & Straw attracted media attention
08:28 - That was my idea!
09:28 - Kim explains how she cobbled together the money to start
Salt & Straw
11:25 - Unforseen costs and surprises
12:04 - People x3, cashflow, and partnerships
12:41 - Kim shares the importance of developing people
15:10 - Kim talks about her co-founder, Tyler, and their shared
16:34 - “An underlying level of chaos”
17:45 - What is a “people plan?”
18:42 - Growth also comes with growing pains
19:44 - Kim shares a story about a mother’s positive experience at
Salt & Straw with her children
20:56 - “Happiness in a Cone” is Salt & Straw’s core value
21:40 - Kim believes that they’re able to change the world
22:04 - What’s “Magic in a Box?”