May 6, 2020
This is a trying time for everyone. For many people, working from home and social distancing is a new experience. Bridget Sampson is a renowned consultant and master coach. Having held workshops for Google and Mattel, Bridget understands what it takes to better oneself. Listen in as she shares the five steps to self-coaching and how to turn this trying time into a moment of opportunity.
Timestamped show notes
02:29 - Bridget begins to explain the self-coaching model
04:00 - “Thoughts create our feelings, which generate our
05:54 - What is our action going to be?
08:40 - What’s the difference between a thought and a feeling?
10:39 - Bridget shares how to tell the difference between a thought
and a feeling
12:02 - Taking action
15:30 - Actions can lead to empowerment, excitement, and
16:37 - Bridget shares her experiences when she started the Life
Coach certification program
18:43 - Empathy and compassion go a long way
20:35 - Understanding the brain is the key to understanding your
thoughts and feelings
24:24 - Bridget goes more in-depth on using the self-coaching model
to better ourselves
28:59 - Bridget also shares advice on how to come across better in
virtual meetings
38:09 - Sharing information is beneficial to everyone
40:39 - Bridget talks about how she’s been handling the current
45:32 - We all have a choice
49:19 - Bridget shares some of her coaching workshops and
Sampson Coaching and Consulting: