Sep 8, 2021
Helen Lambert is the CEO of Lambert+Associates, a consultancy business based in France whose focus is on high-end products and retail. Listen in as Helen shares the story of how her business began 17 years ago and how her passion for fashion, beauty, and home design fueled her entrepreneurial drive. Helen talks about how the pandemic has impacted her business and how she’s adapted the importance of intuition in business.
Timestamped show notes
01:25 - Starting her business
02:57 - Journey of retail
06:47 - Digital vs physical
08:36 - Changes in the retail space
11:49 - Running a business in France
13:13 - How brands use Lamberton Associates to grow
17:43 - Selecting brands to work with
19:53 - Targeting specific audiences
22:04 - A regular job to her own business
27:27 - Human betterment
29:33 - Advice for starting a business
32:24 - Trusting intuition
36:35 - Authentic action
38:54 - Looking to 2022
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