Oct 9, 2021
Alia Henson joins the podcast today as she talks about starting a new company during the pandemic and learning the ups and downs that come with such a task. As a former broadcast journalist, Alia has always approached the digital and social media realm “with a reporter’s eye,” as she puts it. Listen in as she talks about her new venture, The Gatekeeper Course, and how its goal is to help other journalists get their stories on the news. Alia talks about the struggles of working in journalism during a pandemic and how being flexible and adaptable was extremely important.
Timestamped show notes
01:38 - Starting a company in the middle of a pandemic
04:45 - Unexpected obstacles
07:00 - Learning to pivot!
08:14 - Learn to ask for help
09:31 - Every person is playing a different game
11:40 - Getting press during COVID
14:36 - Is the press still relevant today?
15:00 - “Diversify your portfolio”
15:53 - Alia talks about how Gatekeeper can help its clients
The Gatekeeper Course: https://www.thegatekeepercourse.com/