Oct 28, 2020
Jess Weiner is a cultural expert, educator, consultant, and CEO
of Talk to Jess. She is a "secret weapon" for brands, helping them
contextualize and humanize cultural trends in campaigns—which
ultimately boosts loyalty from employees and consumers.
Weiner has in-depth experience working with top brands including
Disney, Netflix, Google, and Amazon. Two of her most notable
campaigns are Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty and Mattel's launch
of more inclusive Barbie dolls. She is also an adjunct professor,
author, and host of "We're All Going To Die, Anyway" podcast.
Timestamped show notes
02:02 - How did Jess get to where she is today?
04:38 - Businesses and brands value creatives
07:39 - Jess shares her thoughts on the state of the world
10:48 - Personal change
11:46 - Business change
16:12 - Vision first!
17:26 - Discovering your own values
19:10 - How to build a good life
22:38 - Feeling like falling
24:04 - Adjust to the disruption
25:28 - Jess shares why she started her podcast
30:14 - Asking “why”
31:06 - Empowering women and Jess’s advice
34:31 - Advice for businesses in today’s ever-changing world
Jess’s Website: https://www.jessweiner.com/
We’re All Going to Die Anyway Podcast: